
Sign Clients for SMMA Without Experience or Testimonials: A Step-by-Step Guide

‘hey agency brother it’s Constantin here.I just came back from the gym and.thought of dropping a quick value help you in your agency and answer.the following question which is how sign clients when you have.absolutely zero experience no.testimonials no previous results nothing.what whatsoever right how do you go specific niches may that be.chiropractors homebuilders roofing.companies how do you go out to those.people with a lot of confidence and.Clarity that you can get them results.that you know exactly what you’re doing.and how can you show confidence on the.sales calls where you know you’re just.getting started out and you absolutely.have like no experience right so this is.kind of one of those questions which.came first did the chicken come first or.did the egg come first it’s kind of of one of those tricky situations.but i’ would love to shift your help you gain that you know that.quick confidence boost so you can get.out there do Outreach book some.appointments and sign some clients the thing that you have to kind understand is that as a business.owner all you’re kind of like doing’re trying to identify a particular.problem that a specific Niche can have.right for instance roofing companies.right those roofing companies they install more roofs chiropractors have more clients to crack their bag.and back to improve their their body and.they you know like they’re to improve.their health basically businesses want.more clients and you are as a business.owner you’re helping them get more.clients get more.revenue and it’s not necessary to.actually have all that experience to solve those particular problems you.can either Leverage other businesses you.can leverage other people to help you.solve those problems right so as owner you’re kind of like’ve identified this problem this is.what this Niche wants to get help with.and you can use all sorts of different.assets to solve that particular problem.and I want to give you a very clear.example of how you can.leverage other business’s results that in your cold email Outreach.for instance or on the sales calls can say something like hey I’ve seen.this company doing incredibly well with.this YouTube ad or with this you know they’re absolutely why is it so that you’re not.implementing this for your business.right like you’re you’re.leveraging another business result in.this in in the same Niche and use a leverage to you know to drive the.decision so I want to share a tools where you can find.people’s ads where you can spy on.particular competitors and stuff uh do.your own research and also provide you a.script for emails that have worked.incredibly well and helped assign you.know six figure deals for our own here is basically an example and something I’ve stumbled.upon in an app called vidt so what vidow basically is is it’ YouTube ads scraping tool that that.that scrapes all the best ads all the.brands that are running ads using.particular softwares like hyros all sorts of.softwares this tool it scrapes all and it it shows what every.Advertiser has been using it shows it shows their landing pages it’s.incredibly powerful right and one of the.businesses that I stumbled upon is right here e Eerie metal roofing.experts right if you look into their.revenue they are you they are number.number four when it comes down to the.biggest roofing contractors in the.United States which is just absolutely.huge they’re doing over.448 million dollar in revenue and of this is with vow you can.basically see all their ads see all.their landing pages and you can.basically you know this this is this is.the landing page that they’ve been.driving D this is the exact ad that they have.been using and as you can see they have.spent a ton a ton of money millions of.dollars they’ve pumped into this ad.because it has 30 million yeah 33.million plus views that that that.doesn’t happen out of a sudden you must spend a significant get to get those views so right here um feel free to check.out the ad as well it’s it’s i i find I.find it amazing how you can kind of like.reverse engineer what the is doing and implemented within.your own agency right and very similar.landing pages and ads we’re using.ourselves as well to kind of model of of.success so I will leave this ad for description to check out but the.point that I’m trying to.make is they spend a ton of money on’ve got their landing page as.well so you know that it works otherwise.they wouldn’t be spending that money and now you can go into for instance.the roofing Niche and leverage this kind.of it’s not it’s not a testimonial it’s.just a result that an other business had.and you can leverage this result and hey uh Mr you know roofing business.owner.this company right here they’re number.four in United States when it comes revenue in the they are using this ad they are.using this landing page how how come.aren’t you using right it’s it’s going to make make.their head scratch and I want to provide.a.quick personal email that I want to.share with you that you potentially can.send and uh set some appointments you can use something as a subject.Roofing contract question something like.that something unique and that could.spark a person’s.attention hey John this is where you.inject a personal line say something.about a b business give them a.compliment about maybe their or something you’ve seen under.LinkedIn etc etc very important to very personal don’t you don’t want to.use any AI tools or anything like really has to come from the heart and.this is where where I’ve personally seen.a lot of success with so then the the.second third and the fourth line are.basically like hey I’ve noticed that.every Roofing.USA’s fourth largest roofing companies.running YouTube ads and getting Millions.worth of new contracts we specialize in.YouTube ads too and would love to.implement this exact same mechanism your business our services are com.based only so if we don’t perform we.don’t get.paid would you be open for a so do you see what we’ve done there.we basically.leverage another business’s.success in the same Niche so the so owner that will receive this.message message they’ll be like hey like.that you know this is legit this that is fourth largest in United States.they are running these type of ads.they’re running these type of landing.pages so it must work for myself also.and then the second thing that you do do a risk reversal so you offer like.commission only commission based results.where when they partner up with you you.only get paid after they’re getting.results and this is something I highly.recommend especially when you have no.experience or you might have a couple of.clients to kind of like test the well to see what you like what you.don’t like what what type of niches you.actually enjoy working in which’re not enjoying in it’s just the.quickest way to get the deal done could come to an arrangement of.something like you get ,000 or.$2,000 per signed contract and this actually build yourself up from the.ground right you now have a client you.can practice on someone’s else at can create ads you can create.landing pages it’s going to give you a.lot of experience and that’s that’s should aim aim for in the should become the best marketer agency that actually.delivers result for your specific Niche.that’s what you should try to.become be and then you eventually can.start moving into charging like high.retainers to 5 10K a month right so I.hope this video was insightful for you.if you enjoy this type of content I.would appreciate subscribe drop a well and if you have any questions.drop them down in the comments below.I’ll see you in the next video.bye-bye’