The most efficient way to submit a planning application is by using the online service from the Planning Portal, however, you can alternatively submit your application by post or email using downloadable forms. For the modification and discharge of planning obligations, please use our Modification and discharge of planning obligations application form. These forms can be submitted by email or post to our Planning team.
You can calculate the planning application fee using the Planning Portal online fee calculator .
The fee increases vary between application and development types, but as a general rule ‘Major’ applications increased by 35% and those for all other types of applications by 25%. Additional thresholds based upon floorspace, site area and number of dwellings were also introduced in some categories. A translation of the above Regulations into an easier to read format has been added to Planning and Building Control Fees and Charges.
The Town and Country Planning Act 1990 enables Local Planning Authorities to set their own Local Validation requirements for applications through a 'Local Validation List', that reflects the specifics of their area including Local Planning Policies.
If in response to a stage 1 application for Agricultural or Forestry Prior Approval, the Local Planning Authority gives notice that Prior Approval is required for the siting, design and external appearance of the development, then a Site Notice has to be displayed by the applicant for not less than 21 days in the period 28 days from the date of that notice, before progression to Stage 2.
You can use the Planning Portal's 'Buy a Plan' service to ensure that you meet our requirements, whether you are a planning professional or first-time applicant.
If you use this service, it will provide you with a checklist of requirements that must be met. When an applicant or agent creates a site location plan in their application on the Planning Portal system, they must declare and sign off that the plan they have created meets the checklist. This includes confirmation that the plan includes two road names. The applicant/agent can increase the size and scale of the site location plan so that extra detail such as roads are shown, and they can add labels if road names are not shown on that section of the map.
Therefore, if an applicant or agent submits a Site Location Plan on an application that does not meet the standard set of requirements, then this is simply user error. However, the applicant can then go back and amend their plan on the Planning Portal and resubmit the revised plan at no extra charge if this is found to be the case. However, failure to supply an appropriate site location plan is likely to result in delays in the validation of the application, and therefore it is recommended that agents/applicants double check the requirements prior to confirming their Site Location Plan and submitting the application.
The criteria that must be met for Site Location Plans is published on pages 146 to 152 of the East Suffolk Council Local Validation List.
If you wish to submit any additional information on any application please email our Planning team rather than contacting the individual officer, to ensure that your correspondence is received and attached to your file.
You can follow the progress of your application through Public Access, using your unique reference number.
A planning application goes through a standard process of being registered, consulted on, considered and determined. Find out more about the planning application process.
Upon receipt of a planning application, we will check to make sure that all of the relevant application forms have been completed correctly and that all of the necessary plans, drawings and other supporting information has been submitted with the application.
Once all of the necessary information has been submitted, the application will be validated. An acknowledgement will then be sent to the applicant or agent and the application is uploaded to the Council’s website. You can monitor your application, including any comments received via the Public Access system.
It is your responsibility to find out if you need planning permission. If you are still unsure if planning permission is required, or if you would like feedback on your development proposals, we offer a pre-application planning advice service.
Submissions should be made via the Planning Portal, to our Planning Support Team or by post to Planning, Riverside, 4 Canning Road, Lowestoft, Suffolk NR33 0EQ, who will register the submission. Once you have a valid submission you will receive an acknowledgement letter with a direct contact number and email address for your case officer. If you wish to submit any additional information please use the email address rather than contacting the individual officer, to ensure that your correspondence is received and attached to your file. You can follow the progress of your application through Public Access, using your unique reference number.
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