Telehealth for behavioral health care

Obtaining informed consent for telebehavioral health

Most states require you to get your patient’s official informed consent before you can provide treatment using telehealth. Because each state has varying requirements for informed consent, it is a good rule of practice to always get consent before a telehealth visit.

Patients can give informed consent through signed paperwork completed before the appointment and/or through verbal consent at the beginning of each session.

If someone else is joining the visit, such as a caregiver or another provider, the additional participant must also provide consent.

There are several basic steps you should follow to record informed consent:

If you are a provider associated with a practice, unit, or facility that provides substance use disorder services, you will need additional patient consent to share information with other providers.

Tip: Make sure to have your medical and intake forms reviewed by your legal team.

More about informed consent: