Rational Application Developer: Getting Started Tutorial 1

a desk with computers and a cup of coffee

The world of software development is constantly evolving, and tools that enhance productivity, streamline processes, and improve code quality are in high demand. IBM’s Rational Application Developer (RAD) is one such powerful tool designed to meet these needs. This tutorial aims to provide a comprehensive guide to getting started with RAD, covering everything from installation to developing a simple application. Whether you’re a seasoned developer or a beginner, this step-by-step tutorial will help you harness the full potential of Rational Application Developer.

Table of Contents

1. Introduction to Rational Application Developer

Rational Application Developer (RAD) is an integrated development environment (IDE) created by IBM. It is designed for building, testing, and deploying applications, particularly those that are web-based and use Java technologies. RAD supports a range of development frameworks and languages, including Java EE, Web 2.0, Portal, and Web services.

Key Features

2. System Requirements and Installation

Before diving into the development, ensure that your system meets the necessary requirements and that you have installed Rational Application Developer.

System Requirements

Installation Steps

  1. Download RAD: Go to the IBM website and download the Rational Application Developer installer.
  2. Run Installer: Launch the installer and follow the on-screen instructions.
  3. Select Components: Choose the components you want to install. For beginners, the default selection is recommended.
  4. Configure Installation Directory: Specify the directory where you want to install RAD.
  5. Install: Complete the installation process and launch RAD.

3. Understanding the RAD Workspace

The workspace in Rational Application Developer is where all your development activities take place. It consists of various views, editors, and perspectives that help you manage your projects and code efficiently.

Key Components

4. Creating a New Project

Let’s start by creating a new Java EE project. This will help you understand the basic workflow in RAD.

Steps to Create a New Project

  1. Open RAD: Launch Rational Application Developer.
  2. Create a New Project: Go to File > New > Other . Select Java EE > Enterprise Application Project and click Next .
  3. Project Name: Enter a name for your project (e.g., MyFirstApp ).
  4. Target Runtime: Select the target runtime environment (e.g., WebSphere Application Server).
  5. Configuration: Choose the default configuration and click Finish .

5. Developing a Simple Web Application

Now that we have our project set up, let’s create a simple web application.

Creating a Dynamic Web Project

  1. New Dynamic Web Project: Right-click on your project in the Project Explorer and select New > Dynamic Web Project .
  2. Project Details: Enter the project name (e.g., MyFirstWebApp ) and click Next .
  3. Configurations: Accept the default configurations and click Finish .

Adding a JSP File

  1. Create JSP File: Right-click on WebContent folder within your web project and select New > JSP File .
  2. File Name: Enter index.jsp as the file name and click Finish .

Editing the JSP File

Open index.jsp and add the following code:

     My First Web App  

Welcome to My First Web Application

This is a simple JSP page.

6. Debugging and Testing Your Application

RAD offers robust debugging tools that allow you to test your application effectively.

Setting Up the Server

  1. Add Server: Go to the Servers view, right-click, and select New > Server .
  2. Server Type: Choose the appropriate server type (e.g., WebSphere Application Server) and click Next .
  3. Server Name: Provide a name for your server and click Finish .

Running Your Application

  1. Start Server: Right-click on the server in the Servers view and select Start .
  2. Deploy Application: Right-click on your web project and select Run As > Run on Server .
  3. View Application: Once deployed, your default browser will open the application. Alternatively, navigate to http://localhost:8080/MyFirstWebApp in your browser.


  1. Set Breakpoints: Open your Java files and click in the left margin to set breakpoints.
  2. Debug Mode: Right-click on your project and select Debug As > Debug on Server .
  3. Debug Perspective: Switch to the Debug perspective to control the execution flow and inspect variables.

7. Deploying Your Application

Deploying your application is the final step in the development process. RAD simplifies this with its deployment tools.

Exporting as a WAR File

  1. Export Project: Right-click on your web project and select Export .
  2. WAR File: Choose Web > WAR file and click Next .
  3. Destination: Specify the destination directory and click Finish .

Deploying to a Server

  1. Copy WAR File: Copy the generated WAR file to the deployment directory of your application server.
  2. Deploy: Follow your server’s deployment procedure to deploy the WAR file.

8. Advanced Features and Plugins

Rational Application Developer supports a wide range of advanced features and plugins that can further enhance your development experience.

Popular Plugins

Installing Plugins

  1. Install New Software: Go to Help > Install New Software .
  2. Add Repository: Click Add and enter the URL of the plugin repository.
  3. Select Plugin: Choose the desired plugin from the list and follow the installation instructions.

9. Best Practices for Using RAD

To maximize your productivity and ensure high-quality code, follow these best practices:

Code Quality

Project Management

10. Troubleshooting Common Issues

Despite its robust features, you might encounter some issues while using RAD. Here are common problems and their solutions:

Common Issues

Tips for Troubleshooting

FAQs about Rational Application Developer

1. What is Rational Application Developer?

Answer: Rational Application Developer (RAD) is an integrated development environment (IDE) developed by IBM. It is designed for building, testing, and deploying Java EE, web, and portal applications. RAD offers a comprehensive suite of tools to streamline the development process, including advanced code editors, debugging tools, and support for various frameworks and technologies.

2. What are the system requirements for installing RAD?

Answer: The system requirements for installing RAD are:

3. How do I install Rational Application Developer?

Answer: To install RAD:

YouTube video

  1. Download RAD: Go to the IBM website and download the RAD installer.
  2. Run Installer: Launch the installer and follow the on-screen instructions.
  3. Select Components: Choose the components you want to install. For beginners, the default selection is recommended.
  4. Configure Installation Directory: Specify the directory where you want to install RAD.
  5. Install: Complete the installation process and launch RAD.

4. What is the workspace in RAD?

Answer: The workspace in RAD is the main area where development activities take place. It includes various views, editors, and perspectives that help manage projects and code efficiently. Key components of the workspace are the workbench, perspectives (e.g., Java Perspective, Debug Perspective), views (e.g., Project Explorer, Servers, Console), and editors (e.g., Java Editor, XML Editor).

5. How do I create a new Java EE project in RAD?

Answer: To create a new Java EE project:

  1. Open RAD: Launch Rational Application Developer.
  2. Create a New Project: Go to File > New > Other . Select Java EE > Enterprise Application Project and click Next .
  3. Project Name: Enter a name for your project (e.g., MyFirstApp ).
  4. Target Runtime: Select the target runtime environment (e.g., WebSphere Application Server).
  5. Configuration: Choose the default configuration and click Finish .

6. How do I create a simple web application in RAD?

Answer: To create a simple web application:

  1. New Dynamic Web Project: Right-click on your project in the Project Explorer and select New > Dynamic Web Project .
  2. Project Details: Enter the project name (e.g., MyFirstWebApp ) and click Next .
  3. Configurations: Accept the default configurations and click Finish .
  4. Create JSP File: Right-click on the WebContent folder within your web project and select New > JSP File .
  5. File Name: Enter index.jsp as the file name and click Finish .
  6. Edit JSP File: Open index.jsp and add the desired HTML and JSP code.

7. How do I debug my application in RAD?

Answer: To debug your application:

  1. Set Breakpoints: Open your Java files and click in the left margin to set breakpoints.
  2. Debug Mode: Right-click on your project and select Debug As > Debug on Server .
  3. Debug Perspective: Switch to the Debug perspective to control the execution flow and inspect variables.
  4. Start Server: Right-click on the server in the Servers view and select Start .
  5. Deploy and Debug Application: Right-click on your web project and select Run As > Run on Server .

8. How do I deploy my application?

Answer: To deploy your application:

  1. Export Project: Right-click on your web project and select Export .
  2. WAR File: Choose Web > WAR file and click Next .
  3. Destination: Specify the destination directory and click Finish .
  4. Copy WAR File: Copy the generated WAR file to the deployment directory of your application server.
  5. Deploy: Follow your server’s deployment procedure to deploy the WAR file.

9. Can I use plugins with RAD? If so, how?

Answer: Yes, you can use plugins with RAD. To install plugins:

  1. Install New Software: Go to Help > Install New Software .
  2. Add Repository: Click Add and enter the URL of the plugin repository.
  3. Select Plugin: Choose the desired plugin from the list and follow the installation instructions.

Popular plugins include Maven Integration for project management, JUnit for automated testing, Hibernate Tools for ORM, and Spring Framework for enterprise applications.

10. What are some best practices for using RAD?

Answer: Best practices for using RAD include:

11. How do I troubleshoot common issues in RAD?

Answer: To troubleshoot common issues:

  1. Slow Performance: Ensure your system meets the recommended requirements and increase allocated memory in RAD settings if needed.
  2. Installation Errors: Check for missing prerequisites and ensure you have the correct JDK version.
  3. Deployment Issues: Verify your server configuration and ensure your application is correctly packaged.
  4. Check Logs: Always check the server and RAD logs for detailed error messages.
  5. Use Forums: Utilize online forums and communities for additional support.

By following these steps and solutions, you can address common issues and enhance your experience with Rational Application Developer.

11. Conclusion

Application Developer is a powerful tool that can significantly enhance your development workflow. By following this step-by-step tutorial, you should now be equipped with the knowledge to start developing your own applications using RAD. From setting up your environment to deploying your first web application, this guide covers the essential steps to get you started.

Investing time in mastering RAD will pay off through increased productivity and improved code quality. As you become more familiar with its features and capabilities, you’ll find RAD to be an indispensable part of your development toolkit. Happy coding!

This blog post offers a detailed roadmap for beginners and intermediate developers to get started with Rational Application Developer. By following these steps and best practices, you can leverage the full potential of RAD in your development projects.